Are You a Trusted Adult?
Be a Trusted Adult to the Youth in Your Life
Just as we are seeing nationwide, we know Winthrop Youth are struggling with their mental health now more than ever. The data below from our last three Prevention Needs Assessment surveys, of 6th-12th graders in Winthrop, gives a snapshot of how youth in our community are feeling.
What can we do?
Research shows evidence of positive outcomes from youth having a trusted adult in their life.
Some examples include;
Improved mental health and wellbeing, as a result of having someone to turn to who enables young people to explore issues in a safe environment without judgment.
Mitigated effects of abuse and trauma, as those with trusted adults in their lives can be more protected from child abuse, and protected against the long term effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
Positive educational outcomes, as those with access to trusted adults are more ambitious in their educational expectations and goals due to having a positive role model.
What is a Trusted Adult?
A trusted adult is chosen by the young person as a safe figure that listens without judgment, agenda or expectation, but with the sole purpose of supporting and encouraging positivity within a young person’s life. Some ways they might do this include;
Assessing and addressing their needs
Encouraging teamwork with other youth
Building a network to include many adults so there is more than one trusted adult in their life
Understanding relationships with other youth and other adults
Listening and offering advice and guidance without lecturing or making them feel less than
What can YOU do?
Follow our campaign and learn about ways you can become a better trusted adult to the young people in your life. Our goal is for all youth to have access to a safe and trusted adult to help protect them from future risk.